Sunday, April 22, 2012

Android-OpenCV Object-Tracking

Tracking a ping-pong ball using Android-OpenCV Library

source code:
svn co
* needs Android-NDK to build.
modify objtrack.cpp to detect other objects/colors

pre-built installer: Object-Track.apk
* only for Android phones with ARMv7-capable CPU and Gingerbread OS.

OpenCV for Android (see Tutorial 2 Advanced - 1. Add Native OpenCV)
Tracking colored objects in OpenCV
Android-OpenCV Google-Group

edit 05-05-12
interfacing the app to philrobokit-Anito board (observe the LEDs+buzzer states with respect to the ball position).

* Data are being transmitted via the usb2serial adapter (built-in to the kit) using android-serialport-api.