Saturday, March 17, 2018

Set-Top-Box Remote Configurations

Set-top-box infrared remote configuration files for LIRC (*.conf) and irplus Android app (*.irplus)

ABS-CBN TV Plus (Atlanta-DTH STB)

Geniric ISDB-T STB

# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.9.0-pre1(default) on Thu Jan 1 11:36:41 1970
# contributed by
# brand: adth-stb.conf
# model no. of remote control:
# devices being controlled by this remote:
begin remote
name adth-stb.conf
bits 11
eps 30
aeps 100
one 180 7581
zero 180 5061
ptrail 179
gap 121661
min_repeat 1
# suppress_repeat 1
# uncomment to suppress unwanted repeats
toggle_bit_mask 0x200
begin codes
scan 0x562
power 0x55E
1 0x575
2 0x56D
3 0x565
4 0x55D
5 0x574
6 0x56C
7 0x564
8 0x55C
9 0x573
0 0x56B
timer 0x57C
epg 0x56F
exit 0x559
ch+ 0x568
menu 0x567
vol- 0x571
ok 0x569
vol+ 0x561
ch- 0x56A
mute 0x558
teletext 0x55F
data 0x563
info 0x57B
prev 0x566
r/l 0x576
signal 0x55B
favlist 0x560
fav+ 0x572
fav- 0x577
mail 0x578
lock 0x56E
end codes
end remote
view raw adth-stb.conf hosted with ❤ by GitHub
<device manufacturer="ADTH" model="STB" columns="12" format="WINLIRC_SPACEENC" bits="11" pre-bits="11" toggle-bit-pos="512" gap-pulse="179" gap-space="121661" one-pulse="180" one-space="7581" zero-pulse="180" zero-space="5061" repeat="2">
<button label="SCAN" span="3" backgroundColor="FF1E7854">0x562</button>
<space multiple="6"/>
<button label="&#61457;" labelSize="25.0" span="3" backgroundColor="FFC84334">0x55E</button>
<button label="1" span="4">0x575</button>
<button label="2" span="4">0x56D</button>
<button label="3" span="4">0x565</button>
<button label="4" span="4">0x55D</button>
<button label="5" span="4">0x574</button>
<button label="6" span="4">0x56C</button>
<button label="7" span="4">0x564</button>
<button label="8" span="4">0x55C</button>
<button label="9" span="4">0x573</button>
<button label="TIMER" span="3">0x57C</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="0" span="4">0x56B</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="EPG" span="3">0x56F</button>
<button label="EXIT" span="3">0x559</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="&#61656; CH+" span="4">0x568</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="MENU" span="3">0x567</button>
<button label="&#61657; VOL-" span="4">0x571</button>
<button label="OK" span="4">0x569</button>
<button label="&#61658; VOL+" span="4">0x561</button>
<button label="MUTE" span="3">0x558</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="&#61655; CH-" span="4">0x56A</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="TELETEXT" span="3">0x55F</button>
<button label="DATA" backgroundColor="FFC84334" span="3">0x563</button>
<button label="INFO" backgroundColor="FF1E7854" span="3">0x57B</button>
<button label="PREV" backgroundColor="FFD6A81F" span="3">0x566</button>
<button label="R/L" backgroundColor="FF2A4C94" span="3">0x576</button>
<button label="SIGNAL" span="3">0x55B</button>
<button label="FAVLIST" span="3">0x560</button>
<button label="FAV+" span="3">0x572</button>
<button label="FAV-" span="3">0x577</button>
<button label="" span="3">0</button>
<button label="MAIL" span="3">0x578</button>
<button label="LOCK" span="3">0x56E</button>
<button label="" span="3">0</button>
view raw adth-stb.irplus hosted with ❤ by GitHub
# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.9.0-pre1(default) on Thu Jan 1 00:08:21 1970
# contributed by
# brand: isdbt-stb.conf
# model no. of remote control:
# devices being controlled by this remote:
begin remote
name isdbt-stb.conf
bits 16
eps 30
aeps 100
header 9062 4490
one 567 1693
zero 567 563
ptrail 569
repeat 9058 2235
pre_data_bits 16
pre_data 0x807F
gap 108525
toggle_bit_mask 0x0
begin codes
power 0x807F
mute 0x48B7
epg 0x5AA5
noname 0xD827
info 0x728D
audio 0x18E7
pre-ch 0x906F
subtitle 0x8A75
menu 0xDA25
exit 0x6897
ok 0xA857
left/vol- 0x42BD
right/vol+ 0x827D
up/ch+ 0xE817
down/ch- 0x58A7
fav 0x2AD5
tv/radio 0xC23D
1 0x00FF
2 0xE01F
3 0x609F
4 0x20DF
5 0xD02F
6 0x50AF
7 0x10EF
8 0xF00F
9 0x708F
0 0xC837
text 0xCA35
goto 0x4AB5
usb 0xAA55
record 0x6A95
stop 0xEA15
play/pause 0x08F7
reverse 0xC03F
forward 0x38C7
previous 0x30CF
next 0xF807
red 0x22DD
green 0xA25D
yellow 0x629D
blue 0xE21D
end codes
end remote
view raw isdbt-stb.conf hosted with ❤ by GitHub
<device manufacturer="ISDBT" model="STB" columns="12" format="WINLIRC_SPACEENC" bits="16" pre-bits="16" toggle-bit-pos="0" gap-pulse="569" gap-space="108525" one-pulse="567" one-space="1693" zero-pulse="567" zero-space="563" header-pulse="9062" header-space="4490">
<button label="&#61457;" labelSize="25.0" span="3" backgroundColor="FFC84334">0x807F 0x807F</button>
<space multiple="6"/>
<button label="&#1045889;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0x48B7</button>
<button label="EPG" span="4">0x807F 0x5AA5</button>
<button label="" span="4">0x807F 0xD827</button>
<button label="INFO" span="4">0x807F 0x728D</button>
<button label="AUDIO" span="4">0x807F 0x18E7</button>
<button label="PRE-CH" span="4">0x807F 0x906F</button>
<button label="SUBTITLE" span="4">0x807F 0x8A75</button>
<button label="MENU" span="3">0x807F 0xDA25</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="&#61656; CH+" span="4">0x807F 0xE817</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="EXIT" span="3">0x807F 0x6897</button>
<button label="&#61657; VOL-" span="4">0x807F 0x42BD</button>
<button label="OK" span="4">0x807F 0xA857</button>
<button label="&#61658; VOL+" span="4">0x807F 0x827D</button>
<button label="FAV" span="3">0x807F 0x2AD5</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="&#61655; CH-" span="4">0x807F 0x58A7</button>
<space multiple="1"/>
<button label="TV/RADIO" span="3">0x807F 0xC23D</button>
<button label="1" span="3">0x807F 0x00FF</button>
<button label="2" span="3">0x807F 0xE01F</button>
<button label="3" span="3">0x807F 0x609F</button>
<button label="TEXT" span="3">0x807F 0xCA35</button>
<button label="4" span="3">0x807F 0x20DF</button>
<button label="5" span="3">0x807F 0xD02F</button>
<button label="6" span="3">0x807F 0x50AF</button>
<button label="GOTO" span="3">0x807F 0x4AB5</button>
<button label="7" span="3">0x807F 0x10EF</button>
<button label="8" span="3">0x807F 0xF00F</button>
<button label="9" span="3">0x807F 0x708F</button>
<button label="0" span="3">0x807F 0xC837</button>
<button label="USB" span="3">0x807F 0xAA55</button>
<button label="&#61713;" labelSize="25.0" span="3" labelColor="FFDF0101">0x807F 0x6A95</button>
<button label="&#61517;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0xEA15</button>
<button label="&#61515;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0x08F7</button>
<button label="&#61514;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0xC03F</button>
<button label="&#61518;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0x38C7</button>
<button label="&#61513;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0x30CF</button>
<button label="&#61520;" labelSize="25.0" span="3">0x807F 0xF807</button>
<button label="R" labelSize="25.0" span="3" fillColor="FFC84334">0x807F 0x22DD</button>
<button label="G" labelSize="25.0" span="3" fillColor="FF1E7854">0x807F 0xA25D</button>
<button label="Y" labelSize="25.0" span="3" fillColor="FFD6A81F">0x807F 0x629D</button>
<button label="B" labelSize="25.0" span="3" fillColor="FF2A4C94">0x807F 0xE21D</button>