Thursday, September 23, 2010

Android Bluetooth Oscilloscope

*This application is tested only with Samsung Galaxy GT-i5700 Spica (rooted Android 2.1 OS, i570EXXJD1 Baseband version).
The transmitter circuit uses Microchip's dsPIC33FJ16GS504 for the analog-to-digital conversion of the input signals on two channels. The processed data on the dsPIC are then transmitted to the phone (for waveform display) via the LMX9838 bluetooth SPP module.

  • time per division: {5us, 10us, 20us, 50us, 100us, 200us, 500us, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 50ms }
  • volt per division: {10mV, 20mV, 50mV, 100mV, 200mV, 500mV, 1V, 2V, GND}
  • analog input (depends on external pre-amplifier configuration): {-8V to +8V }

The source codes for the bluetooth communication is based on Bluetooth Chat example from That example contains three java source files. And, I've completely copied the "", which is used for searching remote bluetooth devices. Then I've modified the "" to use only the RFCOMM Client functions, and used the well-known UUID "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB" for the Bluetooth RFCOMM/SPP.
For the plotting of waveforms, I'm using SurfaceView object to draw on its canvas. This tutorial found on helps me a lot for this task: "How to use canvas in your android".

The rest of the job mainly involves porting of my previous Python S60 script to JAVA language. It was too painful on my side, because I had to convert a single script file to multiple java + xml source files! Nonetheless, it was a good experience for me on learning the Android SDK (JAVA programming).

Project source codes for Android and dsPIC (with APK and HEX) : forum link : Android Bluetooth Oscilloscope

Here are some interesting projects that are also based on the Bluetooth Chat example:
Bluetooth Controlled Model Car

Special thanks to:
Samdroid Forum  for the customized/rooted firmwares for our Spica.
Tipidcp Spica users for sharing their tips and experiences with this android phone.

#edit (10-15-2010)
Here's now my circuit. Nothing special on it, all are based on existing circuits.

*The dsPIC I have used is most probably NOT the best choice for this project because of the many left unused peripherals (extra pins). But, this is the only part readily available in my bin and it has the fastest ADC (2 x 2MSps) among the chips I have.
*If you prefer to change the input range via the op-amp preamp, the computation is located on the "adc.xmcd" file.
*You can use other SPP bluetooth modules aside from LMX. (accdg to manufacturer, it's already obsolete)

#edit (9-14-2011)

It's almost a year now, and yet some people are still interested in this project (considered to be obsolete). So I've decided to place the source repository also on Google Code site. You can either Browse or use git to have your own local copy:

   git clone

See also the Changes, if you want also to learn on how to modify the code. I've started the first 'commit' with a simple "hello world" from the SDK project template. And then changes were made until the desired final oscilloscope application is achieved.


  1. Nice work you have here ..I also like electronics .Here are some links to my works..

  2. I WANT ONE! can you post step by step instructions ?

  3. Nice work .

    What is the PIC33F board you use?
    For programming the PIC, What is the compiler that you use? Microchip C30?

    My Projects :


  4. hi jC_Omega,

    that dspic33f board comes from an old project.
    I just reused it.
    And, yes I'm using microchip C30 compiler for dspic's.


    1. hi...yus
      please send me the whole source code.i am trying to perform same project.

  5. Great project! Could you give us a schematic for this? I'd love to build one for myself.

  6. Please post schematic for hardware. Thank you for your contribution.

  7. That's awesome!

    Have you given any thought to selling the hardware ? I think you might find a lot of people would want to use one of these, but would not have the time & skills to build it themselves.

  8. Oh - and one question - do you need a rooted phone for this ?

  9. One more request for a hardware schematic! What an amazing device, great work!

  10. Wow ... please post details on the hardware !

  11. That's amazing! You should sell those! I would buy two straight away :)

  12. Thanks to all of you for your interest!
    I've already posted the schematic/circuit connections of this project.

  13. What is the serial protocol you are using between the pic and android? How many bytes per package, etc. ?

  14. Is it the two byte as in I'd like to make my own hardware using an ATMEGA so, would you please explain the data stream from the uP serial port?

  15. If you dont mind me asking, but whats the maximum sampling rate, bandwidth and maximum memory for this project?

  16. And, by the way EXCELENT JOB ¡Muy buen trabajo! Te saludo desde México

  17. @ jarkman & tronixstuff,
    I don't have any plans of selling clones of my circuit. Otherwise, you'll just get poor customer support of my product. LOL.
    Not tested but I think it will also work on stock firmware. But still, it's recommended to use rooted firmware for better performance.

    @ drponciano,
    I'm using uart protocol on the dsPIC.
    The dspic sends 642 bytes per display.
    = 1 byte data start
    + 640 bytes actual data (320 width * 2 ch)
    + 1 byte data end
    details can be found on "main.c" file.
    I hope you'll finish you hardware with Atmega soon so that you can also share some improvements, report bugs, etc.

    @ Clutch,
    For the current firmware, I set the limit to 800ksps per channel at 5us/div.
    I'm not sure with the bandwidth. The op-amp alone is already at 3MHz only. =(

  18. guest from October 14,

    Thank you very much for posting the code and schematic. Great work on this , I was just going to buy a cheap scope and I think I will spend the money making one of these instead.

  19. @yus, to avoid lousy customer support any chance of hooking up with someone to sell them instead? (Maker Shed perhaps?)

    Though I plan on building it, I'd still buy one. Immediately. ;)

  20. Just so you know, there are already $50 pocket O-scopes on Ebay that are probably better and do more. And no work or hacking req.

    This is a good effort but the $50 ones are pretty cool already!

  21. As soon as I get something working I'll post it. Thanks for the details. I'm planning to use the Android APP receiving data from a PC as if it were the PIC. I'll post the results.

  22. Great project! Could you give us a schematic for this? I'd love to build one for myself.Thank you very much for posting the code and miamio dolphins tickets

  23. Can you reccomend a replacement for the LMX9838? They don't seem to be avaliable anywhere

  24. It is a great idea but lacking bandwidth for some applications. Still ,the use of the phone as a remote display is brilliant. Thanks for your nice article.

  25. This may be a stupid question, but is the op amp there to just lower the voltage? Can you just use a voltage divider for that?

  26. @ "Anonymous" (10-20-10),
    Aside from lowering the input voltage, the opamp configuration also allows the oscilloscope to accept both positive and negative input signals. It also acts as "buffer" to the input of dsPIC's ADC module.

    1. hi yus its a great job i am very much interested in it and i am dng the same project of yours but using a different board i.e., induino board so can you please suggest me with your previous project details

    2. if you can please suggest me please send me to

  27. I think you might find a lot of people would want to use one of these,

  28. Hi, I have a "Quick and Dirty" program in Delphi to simulate the pic transmission in Windows. This was made to test the Android program in my Motorola Droid. The screen look garbaged and the signal display is small but the programs work together. How can I post the program so anyone can use it?

  29. is there a place with the rsc files for the project so I can redraw the screen in my Motorola Droid?

  30. The source code is incomplete. The resource files and AndroidManifest.xml file are missing.

  31. Well, I downloaded the androidmanifest.xml and the following files:

    what else should i have appart from the rsc files?

  32. Could you please re-upload the source code file?

  33. Hi drponciano,

    It seems that you're already hooked up with this project.
    Please send me your email add. so that I can give you a copy of the whole project (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE).
    From there, you can also modify the layout, communication protocol, controls, etc.


  34. I'd like to get a copy too please! I downloaded the files and started building them and realized all the resource files are missing. Some of them are easy to recreate but others are more complex. My email address is rapjr (at)

    1. Please Send Me this Project AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE (Whole Project)....

    2. hi, please send me compelet Eclipse package on

    3. excuse me, i just found that in google code, thank you a lot

  35. THANKS REALLY. This is my address: I'll send you the the delphi programs for everybody else to use.

  36. Really nice job, good idea and implementation!

  37. Using Bluetooth, I managed to control a 4x4 Robot (Drone) remotely, using my Android G1. I'm using a serial connection over bluetooth, from the Android to a Bluetooth Chip connected to an ATMega8 on the ROBOT.

    see it here:

  38. Hi

    I have a few disturbing me questions.
    Datasheet for LMX9838 says that "UART Command/Data port speed up to 921.6kbits/s"
    Is it real to observe correct waveform for signal with frequency about 200 KHz?
    And if UART speed is 921.6kbits/s then can be used some slower ship?

  39. Some ideas and questions:
    Q: I see that you have an opamps of course at the inputs. Is it for amplification only or also for filtering to limit aliasing? What cutoff frequency do you use in the filter?
    Idea1: You could use a digitally controlled potentiometer at the input opamp to control the amplification. (I used one when I built BT ECG, with this opamp AD628ARZ).
    Idea2: The obvious part is that you can't send continuously a signal of bandwidth higher then the BT connection allows. What you could do is assume that the signal is periodic (maybe depending on mode of operation) and sample with higher ADC rate of 2Msps, but only a given number of samples. It would have to be synchronized to some trigger (as in all oscilloscopes rising edge, falling edge etc) and limited in number of captures per second(in order not to exceed BT throughput). That would allow the system to register higher frequencies, without trying to push to much data through BT.
    Idea3: HP I think had some techniques of acquiring periodic signals of higher frequencies then their ADC allowed, buy sampling signal several times and then putting the data together to form one waveform. That means that the effective ADC sampling rate was increased by the number of sampling repetitions. The keypoint in that was the proper timing (for example sample one frame in 1ms, 3ms, 5ms, 7ms etc from trigger and the other frame in 0ms, 2ms, 4ms etc from trigger) and then form one waveform. I'm not sure if it would be possible to create such accurate timing with internal ADC in uC.
    I like your design very much. I tried to present my ECG waveform in TYTN2 on windows mobile, but I couldn't force it to display data fast enough. Kudos to you!

  40. I like your project ! I just installed the application on my Galaxy 5. It turns out well just that since my screen is a bit smaller, I cant get a complete view of the application. May be I will work on the application size based on your code. Thanks for the sharing !

  41. Thanks A lot sir for written a great article, This is really informative. and will be very useful for the future also. now I want to share it to all my friends. I am sure that They will also get knowledge through this Article.

    1. hello sir ,

      i would like to do this projects on avr will u help me

  42. It's great work! I'd like to get a copy too please! SOme of missing parts are more complex. My email address is seshung (at)
    Thank you in advance.

  43. That is a great job. I was looking for a bluetooth solution to data acquisition. May I also have a copy of everything? My e-mail is agi12357 (at)

    Thanks Muchly!

  44. i couldnt run this program..its coming as syntax error:invalid character indentifier...plz help me

  45. Great website...and cool article man...thanx for the great post.Cheap Radio City Rockettes Tickets keep on posting such articles...

  46. I was wondering how you powered your circuit. Did you use a battery or use a bench power supply. In addition i was wondering what the point of the LED was. Is it simply a connection indication?

  47. @Sir Peter Crouch,
    The LED if for the BT connection status indication.
    I'm actually using an old phone charger (5V output) to power-up the transmitter circuit.

    Thank you for suggesting the utilizing of "digital potentiometer" to vary the preamp gain. I'm going to use it in my future project.

  48. Great work! Can you send me the complete android source code (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE) so I can build my own?
    My email is: outlaw82 (AT)

    Thanks so much =)

    1. Please Send Me this Project AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE (Whole Project)....

    2. ola vc ainda tem os arquivos pode me enviar?

  49. oscilloscope with bluetooth..!


  50. this is an awesome project dude.

  51. hey, I would love to play around with this. would you mind sending me the complete android source for android sdk and elclipse ide? My email is Would appreciate it greatly. Great job on this though!

  52. Oh, greate job! Can you send me the source code? I really need it to study by my self.
    My Email :
    Thank you very munch!

  53. Great job!
    Other then by bluetooth , can it be done with direct communication , through the usb port for example.
    I'm asking this because the TV out (D to A) option already exists so i was wondering if the opposite (A to D) action is possible.
    I'm working on a application that uses external analog input (like camera) convertes it to digital and performes varius actions.


  54. ^ hi,
    Direct connection to usb port is possible, particularly to those phones which have USB HOST functionality (e.g. using usb-to-serial adapter).
    I think there's already available similar android app in the market which uses the mic input for the ADC.


    1. Please Send Me this Project AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE (Whole Project)....

  55. Hi i would like to know wich is the bandwith of this project and also how much voltage can it measure thanks and congrats

  56. Very nice work !

    It would save me some work if you could send me the xml files for the project.

    My mail is:


  57. Very Very nice!

    I see from some of the other posts that some file may be missing?

    I am just starting to look into development projects for the Android and believe this would be a great learning tool for myself.

    You had offered to send other the whole project?

    I would greatly appreciate if you would consider sending me the whole project.

    1. Please Send Me this Project AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE (Whole Project)....

  58. Excellent work, I've tried to recreate your board, since the BRD files were not provided. Would love to hear your comments on my work as this is my first time working in Eagle.

    All the work I've done is in this file:

    please feel free to email me at evan[at]modelxposure[dot]com if you have any comments or suggestions.

    1. Please Send Me this Project AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE (Whole Project)....

  59. I was wondering what programmer you were using to actually program the chip? I saw that you did the software programming in C30.

  60. Evan Richardson : I've just downloaded your files and in looking at the Boardv4.brd it seems that you have not finished the routing?
    I think the two signals TXD and RXD must be in differential pairs to work properly.
    I've tried the application (.apk) on my phone(Xperia X10i) and some views like windows for viewing signal must be adapted depending of the size of the screen (4" for mine).

  61. Hello,

    has someone successfully used the android source code?
    I get a lot of errors regarding " ...".

    I would be glad if someone could provide more information.

    Thanks a lot.


  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Very nice work !

    It would save me some work if you could send me the xml files for the project.

    My mail is:


  65. Waw, I love your blog. Because you are write full review article about samsung galaxy spica.

    Great dude.

  66. Can i get your complete (Android+Eclipse) source code to? i want develope too.. Good job :)

    My email is

  67. Oh, greate job! Can you send me the source code? I really need it to study by my self.
    My Email :
    Thank you very munch!

  68. Looks great, can you please send me the entire project?

  69. i think you have a great site here... today was my first time coming here.. i just happened to find it doing a google search. anyway, great post. sweet love quotes

  70. Excellent project! Please send me all the source files, because I would like to rewrite the program on WM6 (Hp hx4700). My e-mail: (if you are ready to send the results.) Thank you!

  71. Solid piece – I admit I have thought of some new ideas for my own blog. Lots of interesting content here. Keep it up.

  72. Outstanding work! But the Android resource files are missing from the download .zip. can you post them?

  73. Wow! Awesome collection, really inspiring… thanks for sharing

  74. Hey yus, i've been working with the android manifest file that you posted for a couple days now, but i am having trouble with the layout files for the oscilloscope, is it possible for you to send me a copy of the complete project? I am attempting to connect the bluetooth oscilloscope to my new acquired galaxy tab, so i can connect it to a circuit that I have built for a wireless ECG project!!! Again, i would really appreciate it!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. That was really exciting. I have a question about android you used. I draw a graph in android but I need to shift it to left side or right side. I saw that when you draw your graph you shift it, I wonder whether I can ask you how can I shift my graph too. It's worth saying that, I don't want to scroll my graph I want to shift my graph in one page like the same thing you do that.
    In advance I want to thank you for your help.
    Email: Saeid.Hamzehee@Gmail.Com

  78. Great work! Can you send me the complete project (SRC + RES folders)? I need xml files in order to compile it.

    My email is: c4lc4ll (AT)

    Thanks so much.

  79. Dear My friend,
    I send the source code for you but I didn't receive any thing from you yet. I wanted to be sure you have received my Email or not. If you didn't received any thing. Please let me send it to you again.

  80. please I want everything related to this project Android+Eclipse, plus the Delphi sources mentioned :-) I loved this project and I'd like to start with Android development (I'm levaing nokia behind soon) my mail is keep the good work is amazing

  81. Hi can you send me the complete proyect I'm trying to schedule a medical system
    my e-mail is
    Best regards

  82. Hi

    Great work! Could you please send me the complete android source code (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE) so I will use with Galaxy tab.


    Best regards

  83. Hi,
    Can you plese send me the complete android source code(Android SDK and Eclipse IDE) or instruct me on how to compile the project you have uploaded.

    my email is

  84. Can I get your source code, I want to learn about this, My email address
    Thank you very much!!!

  85. Hi Yus,
    is it possible for you to send me a copy of the complete project? I loved your project and I'd like to start with Android related bluetooth...


  86. hello Yus,
    I also want to got a completed sources code, Thank You.

  87. Hi Yus
    Very nice work. I would also like the completed sources code, if that's ok:
    I am thinking about using the a RN-42 Bluetooth module instead:
    As well as do a redesign of the input op-amp stage.
    I like the ideas Mikuslaw is suggesting, could bee very interesting to here if you or Mikuslaw make some of thees improvements.

  88. You have done very nice work, i hope in future also u will add up some more news and tips

  89. Hi I'm learning android, appreciate if you gave me the full project developed.
    My mail is from now thank you very much

  90. Hi,

    Fantastic work. I've been looking for a good example of bluetooth data acquisition for a long time now and this is the best i've seen. Can I also have a copy of all the files please?

    john (a)

  91. What is the maximum current that I can measure with this?

  92. Hi Yus,
    Could you please send me a copy of the complete project? I love your project and I would like to work on the android bluetooth.

    My email address is

    Thanks so much.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Great project! it would be wonderful If you could send me complete sources code for the project.

    My email

  95. The measurement circuit is working if the in+ is between 0 and -15V, Am I right?

  96. Great Work !!1

    Can you please send me the full project ?

    My Email is

    thank you :)

  97. Nice work!I am working on similar project but I have some problems. Can you give me a copy of the whole project ( Android SDK and Eclipse IDE).

    My email is

    thank you!!

  98. Hi Yus,
    is it possible for you to send me a copy of the complete project? I love your project.

    d.amann (at)

  99. Nice work!I am working on similar project but I have some problems. Can you give me a copy of the whole project ( Android SDK and Eclipse IDE).


    thank you!!

  100. Nice work!I am working on similar project but I have some problems. Can you give me a copy of the whole project ( Android SDK and Eclipse IDE).

    My email :

    thank you!!

  101. Great Job, I'm just getting stated with Droid but have a lot of history with MCU's. Can I please request a copy of the whole project ( Android SDK and Eclipse IDE).

    My email :

    Many many Thanks

  102. Very good. I have been used Amarino library for bluetooth communication. I found your code is better in terms of simplicity and readability. Could I have a copy of project file also?. (email:

  103. reaaly love your post, i will bookmark your blog :)

  104. I am very interested in this too. Could I get the complete source code?

    This is really a cool project! Very very neat..

    Oh, btw, can it work on unrooted phones as well?

  105. Can you kindly email me the whole project of Android which includes the res\ folder ?
    Thanks in advance !
    My email:

  106. Can you send me the source code?
    My email:
    thank you!!

  107. Very Nice work,
    I'm just getting stated with Android. Can I please request a copy of project file also?

    My email :

    Thank you in advance.

  108. hi Yus ,
    I am an e&tc student and like to do your project for fun .. I do not want the entire source code but need a small help from your side. I need to know how do I start with the project and if there is anything missing what is it (So that I know what I have to fix before hand and then i can try debugging and modding) . My email id is
    anyways I am starting to build the hardware part with your schematic. thanking you in anticipation

  109. Hi Yus.
    Great work.

    I’m working in a similar project in my universiry. Would you mind sending me the whole the whole project (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE) ?

    Thanks in advance.


  110. Hi, nice project you have there. can I have the required files too so that I can work with it? I'm planning to display real time data via bluetooth from my mcu connected to pressure sensor. :) My email is Thank you.

  111. all source codes, including Eclipse project files, are already posted on
    please read my last edit on this post.

  112. Hi, great project!!
    Can i use this bluetooth module??

  113. Thank you very much for the inspiration. I'm an IT expert and am planning to rebuild (or restructure) your apk to fit my HTC handset and modify the hardware transmitter to an AVR chip. Congratulations =)

  114. I think you are right when you say this. Hats off man, what a superlative knowledge you have on this subject…hope to see more work of yours.I think you are right when you say this. Hats off man, what a superlative knowledge you have on this subject.

  115. This is such a nice and Informative, amazing blog. I like it so much. its really very informative. The topic you have discuss is very sensitive and important. You have describe it in very good manner. I appreciate your hard works. thanks for all this.

  116. nice project ll be nice if you could add a seperate adc module ande keep small pic just for comminication.gonna try this on my se x8.i got bt module in hand and will have to port hardware to small pic i havr thoigh it looses sampling there any alternative for opamps.they arr hard to find

  117. Nice post. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed! Extremely useful information specifically the last part :) top employers

  118. hello! your blog really made my day today! your project is really similar as my final year project. can u give me copy of the source code? this is my email: really appreciate it if you can share this. thanks in advance!

  119. hi
    very nice project.
    am trying to build one too for an academic purpose but not with all these functionality.
    is it possible to have your Android Eclipse source code because on the side there is not all the java codes
    my email is if it's ok to send them to me

  120. hello great work
    i am working with similar project , with ECG
    i would be of great help if you could share the source email id
    Advance thanks

  121. Hello, I want to use 8051 + ADC + BT circuits to transmit graphics data, and Bluetooth can be paired but can not send graphics data, what is the problem causing it? Test software can use the Bluetooth terminal normal receiving data.
    Thanks to extremely
    my email

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  124. any web for buy dsPIC33FJ16GS504 with paypal?

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. I like your blog advantages.This is one of the meaningful and good post.Thanks for share with us.
    Android app developers

  127. You have done a great job, I like this technique use for blue-tooth.


  128. Thanks for providing this good knowledge about android, we are based one android development company. So your informative post is great resource to lots of peoples.

    Android developer

  129. Am interested on ur project will please send me Android code {Eclipse ide + xml}...

  130. Hello

    Great innovation in this post and I think the processed data on the dsPIC are then transmitted to the phone (for waveform display) via the LMX9838 bluetooth SPP module. I think bluetooth software services will help to make this software and after that we can use.

  131. Great work
    can u send the Full Project ie {Eclipse ide + xml}... to

  132. GGGreat Project!!!
    Can you send me the whole project. Please, I must build one for me:)

    My email:

    Thanks so much!!!

  133. Thank you very much for the inspiration.
    Great Project!!!
    Can You send me the project files to

  134. plz sir all details realeated to project like working coding software and hardware and application on my email id plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sir

  135. great project....i downloaded the zip file but it does not contain xml such got a lot of errors. i would be very grateful if anyone can send the whole project to

  136. fantastic! i have a doubt u use high sampling rate but the Max samples is set only 320 samples. doesn't it cause the input signal distorted? any one help me to figure out

  137. nice work!
    i want to use Bluetoothchat example in my android app. i want to control simple on/off of some application using android and Bluetooth. would you please show me the way. i am new to java and android

  138. The stuff you are writing blows out my mind.
    android app developer

  139. great project!
    And many features could be added to make a real oscilloscope from this (triggerring, data storage, etc) Of course, bandwidth will be limited to 1MHz, but this is enough for audio signals...
    Is someone else working on it? I would like to share ideas with other developers.

    @ Mark James: Yes, it is possible to replace lmx9838 with a cheap CSR BC417143 based BT module.
    I started to build my prototype with one of these modules and modified the code to make it work with a dsPIC33FJ128MC706.
    I am just at the very start of the project and have still some strange uart behavior, but I already managed to display some traces on my old Spica at the default 9600 baud rate.
    One of the next steps will be to modify the Android interface for hi resolution screens (Galaxy SII)

  140. Hi,
    Nice Work Man....I am hobbyist and planning to make this oscilloscope for the ECG application.It would be a great help if you can send me all the required source file(Android SDK + Eclipse IDE). I really need it urgently for my work. I would be really thankful to for your help. Can you please send me files in below email id:

  141. Great work..

    I really want to learn and explore more about your project, and this will be a great help for me in understanding more about android. Can you please send mo the whole project (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE) and delphi testing the program.

  142. Very nice!

    I'm new to android app but have over 15yrs experience in MCU/DSP and windows programming/dev. I see your work that was a great job. It is a good example for me to learn android app development. Would you please send me a complete project code (AndroidSDK + Eclipse IDE) so that I can get a good starting point?

    My email:

    Thank you very much~

  143. Has anyone got the full source for this project?

    Could share?

  144. hi Yus.
    You have done great work.
    I am doing the similar project.Please send me full source for this project to my mail( will be very much useful for my major project.

  145. Hi YUS.
    I downloaded your project, but i don't know which programs are necessary to open the archives .c .h .xmcd,,,,, please if you can help me, would be very grateful.

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  149. Hi,
    Can I have the whole project file. It would be very helpful to me. Thanks a lot.

    My email is:

  150. This is very inspiring, as getting from the start & Having no real background in programming (aside from making some adventures on ZX-81 and MSX), I want to get started on developing something for my own Android based eBook reader and android app development training even this online course seems to be interesting Has anyone tried any online courses so far. Please do provide a light on this also.

  151. hi yus, im very interested with your project, because your project is one of project that i need to finish my final project in my college. my final project is about Electromyography with user interface in android. same with your project, i also need to show wave from my hardware in android. and now im still confuse how to do that?...can you me to share your full sourcecode to me? because im really need it...if you can, please send to i hope you can help me sir...thank you

    1. hi yus, your project is one of project that i need to finish my final project in my college. my final project is about Electromyography with user interface in android. same with your project, i also need to show wave from my hardware in android. and now im still confuse how to do that?...can you me to share your full sourcecode to me? because im really need it...if you can, please send to i hope you can help me sir...thank you

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. excuse me, i just found that in google code, thank you a lot

  153. Hey Yus, Thank for posting this project. I realize its been long 2010, are you still supporting (kind of) ?
    I am planning to take over this project and add a few upgrades from your original idea. I dont know how to program the Bluetooth communication and I would like to add a few hardware functions on the dsPIC33FJ16GS504. Like, multirange selection of input and maybe a few other things. Before I start this venture I was hopping that you accept to commit in supporting me when (and I will) hit some difficulties in the programming. I may decide to select another chip or maybe not. So my question to you is are you still involved in this project ?


  154. Hi !
    Is possible to replace LMX9838 with another module from :


  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. hi..
    you missed the manifest file in source code in google :(
    can you place it too please?

  157. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post.

  158. Info is out of this world, I would love to read more.
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  159. hi ,,,
    please send me the whole source code for android and dispic,i m doing same project. my mail id is

  160. I could spend the two-sided printed circuit as you did to

  161. Hi Yus nice project.

    What is configuration word for dspic, when I try to program dspic I got message that configuration word is not in hex file

  162. source code for android sdk pleeeassse!!!

  163. Hi, can u kindly send me the source code for android sdk? thank you.

  164. Dear Sir, I am making a project to receive the PCM data from hardware. The hardware will send a sound to Android phone by PCM format. I saw your code. It use read function to read bytes from socket. But I not sure it is possible to receive PCM data? Please let me know you code can do my task or not? Thank you so much

  165. what is baudrate between two system(bluetooth module and mcu)?
    I am very suprised to see wonderful device like this

  166. Hi, learn android, stopped at Bluetooth. Thank you for the useful project, a very useful application.
    Please send me the code for android for study. My mailbox

  167. Repsected Sir,
    I am getting error in public file of Resoucrse in Android Project..Can you send the full project folder as zip to my mail Id

    Thanks a lot for Code sir...

  168. Hola yus, logre hacer una replica de tu app a partir de lo que enviaste, pero no logro adaptar el codigo del dspic para usar otro. puedes ayudarme?

  169. Can i have the full source code of the project? My email is

  170. hello, to achieve a similar project but using a pic 18F4550 . Soon publishes a blog where I will show the steps for design.

  171. Here ' a blog post where part of my project . Gradually I will be adding more information . It is in Spanish.

    1. Thank You for your project sharing! Is code and apk available somewhere? Thank You!

  172. Hello, i REALLY liked your project! A LOT!!! And good news: it does compiles with C30 and XC16..
    My only problem is that i can't load the android software into phone. Is there any *,apk? Any guides how to compiler the android software? If yes, my email is

    Thanks again for sharing with us !!! Best wishes!

  173. Is it this application available on play store?
    please send me total code of application on my email id.

  174. HI
    Can U Used any other blue tooth module instead of LMX9838 ?? Like HC05, or HC06

  175. I was going to invent this - until I saw you already had. Well done.

  176. tell me the code for the Arduino, which bytes have to send

  177. You can make the file with data exchange between the PIC and the blue tooth module
    Thank you
